scattered thoughts
Sometimes the night is not flowing as smooth as expected.
Sometimes you wake up thinking, and tiredness can not take over.
're sound asleep and suddenly FRAN! here is the thought that comes, violent, sudden, and suddenly your eyes are open in the dark and the mind is in turmoil.
And if the thoughts are of a + then do not talk back to sleep .. you first need to think a little '. This is what I expect.
And these thoughts are always related to fear.
and there are countless others. But I only ever cmq fears, nothing concrete.
But they have the power to keep us awake, to monopolize our emotions .. to make us afraid.
There is always something to be solved, some imprefezione which makes a perfect situation because I have to work on it, of putting my efforts in a direction, processing and processed. Basically this is the idea of perfection, nothing is perfect, a priori, it is clear that I should put into the game, so, so willed there where is power what you want, etc etc.. ask no more.
But I have discovered some things.
I have found to be able to curb the less beautiful side of my character. Almost always.
I also discovered that not always worth it, but this time.
I discovered that the paintings in shades of gray hardly excites me. And I want to colors.
I discovered that I understand immediately the skin if a person is me / I will be nice or not.
I discovered that I love walk in the rain.
I discovered that I + cold.
I discovered that I want to say things that I've never said before. And that makes me feel free .
I discovered that they are still able to let go of everything and accept without some compromise to me that this weight. As if I had never experienced before.
I discovered that they are very good at the knot to tie but still like a little.
I found out I had a mad desire to divide, share ..
on the radio this morning I discovered that there Battisti, a piece that I could not remember and yet I remember very well ( who knows who knows who you are, who knows who you are, who knows what will become of us, we'll find out just living )
I discovered that sometimes the line between fear and anger is thin. I discovered the sky
can be land that can be pain and pleasure the passion may increase over time rather than decrease.
I found to be cold at times.
I found out I had a lot of important people around me and all, and everyone has something to me / tell me .
I found to be in love with a smile and wanting more.
morning I discovered that I like . For a lot of reasons.
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