February 12, Tuesday, 19.00, Gallery M & J Gelman at Winery,
Gelman - Miroslav Nemiroff - Konstantin Krylov
Association "again Osumasshedshevshie Freaks" represent:
evening a few poets and a storyteller, visiting German Lukomnikovym, himself
Ivan Akhmet'ev,
Vova Gorokhov,
Paul Mityushev,
Valery Nugatov,
Sergey Sedov,
German Lukomnikov.
Log - free, the authors - will personally book (G. Lukomnikova (Boniface) and some other participants - will be sold.
Akhmetov was born in 1950 in Moscow. He graduated from MSU.
Self-Determination: "Multi-subject literature."
Publicator poetry and prose, editor and compiler and commentator of poetry anthologies, numerous books and publications, including Informal literature classics 1930 - 80-ies (poets lianozovtsev, etc.).
In recent years, engaged in a network anthology "Unofficial Poetry."
Current Life - http://ayktm.livejournal.com
All Collections:
Miniatures. - Munich, 1990. - Preface. Sun Nekrasov.
poetry and only poetry .- M.: Tozan; Publishing apartment Andrei Belashkina, 1993.
Девять лет : 1992-2001. - М.: ОГИ, 2001.
Amores : Стихи 1966-2002. - М.: ЛИА Р. Элинина, 2002.
(According to the last link in the right column - mp3-files with a record of the author reading.)
* * *
put on the table
* * *
windows windows
and each wants
* * *
my poems
very simple
I already wrote a lot
* * *
you here brother
no offense to you will be told
so that we too
When and where was born - I do not know, do not ask anyone - he's away, but the 12-th promised to come and speak. Well years under him as 30. Education, seems to be a musicologist. Once lived, if not mistaken, in Switzerland, but now - in the Moscow suburbs.
began writing poetry about 4 years ago, except for very early experiments.
Therefore, he has mainly network, performs rarely, paper-based publications with him, in my opinion, only two or three - in the journal Krokodil.
Besides poetry, engaged in art, take pictures of their faces in various states, removes videos.
recently wildly famous on the Internet video clip, where he reads his poem "Cool and horrible."
By the way, February 9 (Saturday) at 19.35 on the NTV program "Profession - Reporter" will be the subject of Vova. Well, sort of about me a little for the company. Once in a lifetime quietly look the TV - and advise you. - GL
current life - http://goroxov.livejournal.com
Poems :
Fotoavtoportrety :
cool and terribly
Who do you want? ..
any portion of our skin
If you indeed
Some people want
* * *
Poems? ..
looks like poetry.
Yes, I think - poems, Shoot ...
Well exactly, damn it -
sad story
We're all friends, someone heart
Sometimes you divide:
workout sex with him
times we are with you - and leave.
And the proposal to come
workout again
We can not have sex with you more
We, unfortunately, to take.
No, I will not give you processes,
taking place with me!
normally be all, do not worry,
period simple pancake is.
Born in 1957 in Sergiev Posad. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics (1980).
At the turn of 1980 - 90 years was a member of the Club "Poetry" and participated in numerous events and festivals.
In the early 90's led the Laboratory socio-cultural dynamics of the Humanitarian Fund.
The publisher of "humanitarian fund" in the early 90's it was about 20 his tiny books in the series "White Library, the whole set can easily fit in a cigarette pack, they departed in the same tiny print run - I think, a few dozen copies.
In particular, This series came out composed Miyushevym "one-point Anthology of Poetry - poems, consisting of a single point.
of Human book he until now no one did not work, I think shame of domestic book publishing. - GL
In recent years Mityushev appears rare.
Edits glossy magazines. Learn
no leads.
Humanitarian Fund, № 15 (33 - 66), 1991, pp. 2 - 3. Selected poems from foreword. B. Tuchkova.
" Autumn Ode ". - Anthology "Samizdat Century (New York: Polifakt, 1997).
" What? ". Tavtogrammaticheskaya play. - Anthology of Russian palindrome, combinatorial and handwritten poetry (New York: Helios ART, 2002).
(In the same anthology - A few palindromes PM)
Some poems 1980. - With the foreword. G. Lukomnikova "Mityushev constructor. - UFO, № 57 (2002).
* * *
I tell you, therefore, not in vain.
I'm not a young man.
Well, what are you still young.
So nothing you say to me here.
Talk, talk - and why!
And then, talk, talk ...
even then - and now something else!
And with about a liter a - it's just blah-blah ...
That there are thinking: you say -
and began: Say, Say ...
Talk, they say, there, do not tell ...
But I tell you now: Do not tell me!
Born in 1972 in Poltava.
Holder and the protagonist of the annual festival Name Nugatova.
translations of poems and prose, mainly from English and French - A. Ginsberg, William B. Yeats, J. Bataille and others
Learn - http://nougatov.livejournal.com
Content Collections:
an evil muse. - M.: autochthonous, 2000.
Freelance . - M.: ARGO-RISK, Tver: Colonna, 2006.
From the series " fAKE " (2007)
http://www.vavilon.ru/texts/ nugatov0.html
(According to the last link in the right column - mp3- files with a record of the author reading.
old fart is what we
childhood and adolescence passed
and adolescence was
and bylem overgrown
maturity came
and found that this old fart we
rockers is what we
bikers are we
informal people is what we are hippies
punks what we
bruises are we
planokury what we
raspizdyai what we
freaks are we
obsosy what we
junkies are we
screw it, we
dinosaurs is what we
schizoid what we
assholes this we
maniacs is what we
psychos are we
patients is what we are, we are impotent
pedophiles are we
onanist is what we are we voyeurs
fag it We
Papiki what we
vampires are we
loudmouth is what we
and youth is you
beautiful is you
healthy are you happy is you
sexy are you
successful are you
perspective is you
rich are you
known it was you
talented are you
creative are you free this
uninhibited you are you cool
are you
ottyazhnye are you
fashion is you
stylish are you
carefree is negligent
you are you are you
sober is you
sport are you
flexible are you
digital is you
pivot is you
best is you
sweet are you
warm it you
delicious it is you
resilient are you
slender it is you are young you
young Blood is you
fresh blood is you
sweet blood is you
hot blood is you
intoxicating blood is you
scarlet gentle blood is you
white soft body is you
clear clear eyes it's you
young rhythmic heart is you
tight smooth hole is you
fine sonorous voice is you
but we still eat you
Born in 1954 in Moscow.
In the late 80's - early 90's took part in the movement zAiBI (for anonymous and free art! ").
fond of eastern mysticism.
Tales S. Sedov came out as a set of books, mostly in children's publishing, and publications in children's magazines and almanacs.
Learn - http://cedov_cergey.livejournal.com
Content Book:
"Tales of the Snake Gorynych. Illus. Bondarenko. - Moscow: Children's Books, 1993.
"Tales of Sergei Sedov. Illus. L. Tishkov. - M.: Gayatri, 2005.
"Tales of an imperfect time." Illus. L. Tishkov. - M.: Gayatri, 2006.
and many others.
http://www.c- cedov.narod.ru /
Ballet - http://multface.livejournal.com/19018.html
One frog Pip was walking in the woods and met a hunter.
- Let's get acquainted! - Pipa said. - I - Bear, but who are you?
- I - safecracker! - Shouted the hunter and how strelnet in Pipa from his shotgun. He was a real safecracker and Pip would have killed on the spot, if it was as big as a bear. But she was small - and so he missed. I wanted to shoot again, and Pipa cried out:
- I'm not a bear, not a bear! I am a frog, the frog!
- Oh, you liar! - Outraged hunter. - I'm on you a cartridge spent, and you, it turns out, not a bear!
he swung with all his strength to knock on the head with the butt of Pipa. But again missed. And then another three hours chasing her through the swamps, until he got stuck.
More Pipa never bear do not play, because it is very dangerous.
* * *
From "Tales of the imperfect time")
lived by one person. All his spare time he spent with a fishing rod on the river bank. Nobody ever saw him get someone caught. Nobody saw that he had ever pecked! That's because he caught a fish without bait, and even no hook. But he had a float and sinker too. Other fishermen molested him with practical advice. But he laughed it off and continued to sit motionless, looking at the float.
Once people still tried to catch everything, but he did not like it and he returned to his method.
If you see him sitting on the beach, you probably do not know. But you will want to sit down and shut up.
way, His name is Mihalich.
Born in 1962 in Baku.
Prior to 1994, played under the pseudonym of Boniface, the texts of those years have so far signed them.
author of 9 books of poetry.
Composed of two anthologies palindrome (and combinatorial poetry), editor and compiler and commentator of the book of selected works Yuri Smirnov.
more about me - in my autobiography in the third person .
Learn -
http://lukomnikov_1.livejournal.com (as well as http://lukomnikov_2.livejournal.com , http://lukomnikov_3.livejournal.com , http://lukomnikov_4 . livejournal.com , http://cmuxu.livejournal.com ).
Content Collections:
"Vshniya water." Sat pudendal lyrics. - Moscow: Publishing apartment Andrei Belashkina with the participation of Humanitarian Fund, 1993.
" we are shaped as letters ". Illus. A. Flitman (
" Butterfly flight, or hockey, plus ". Illus. A. Flitman. MI - St.: Red Sailor, 2001.
"Word." - Moscow: Publishing Lev Shprintsa, 2003.
"My poetry ".
Collected Works (until 2001).
" Anthology of Russian palindrome, combinatorial and handwritten poetry ". Sost. and notes. G. Lukomnikova and S. Fedin. - M.: Helios ART, 2002.
* * *
God - an artist, God - a poet,
I His self-portrait.
* * *
I saw a girl their dreams,
came up and kissed her passionately,
But it seemed that there was something wrong,
And she punched me in the coin.
* * *
At the sight of foxes in the dark
dreamed you crabs
* * *
not build the hut,
A Bead - Troy.
* * *
I was breaking,
But I was little.
Lomali me a lot,
But I have not changed.
February 12, 2008, Tuesday, 19. 00
Gallery M & J Gelman at Winery:
105120, Moscow, 4 th Syromyatnicheskiy lane, 1, p. 6 (it's a 7 minute walk from the metro station "Kurskaya")
tel.: +7495 2281159, tel. / fax: +7495 2281339
Map: http://www.guelman.ru/culture/images/doc/winzavod-map.jpg
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